Tag JavaScript

What is Promise? What are the parameters? how to use?

Noun convention In general, there are the following noun conventions. Promise (lowercase initials) object refers to “Promise instance object” Promise initial capitalization and singular form for “Promise constructor” Promises is capitalized and pluralized to refer to the “Promises specification” So…

How to capture and analyze JavaScript Error

Front-end engineers know that JavaScript has basic exception handling capabilities. We can throw new Error(), and the browser will also throw an exception when we call the API and make an error. But it is estimated that most front-end engineers have not considered…

5 React Architecture Best Practices for 2021

There is no doubt that React has revolutionized the way we build user interfaces. It is easy to learn and greatly facilitates the creation of reusable components to provide a consistent look to your website. However, because React is only…

Explaining JavaScript Addition Operators

Introduction JavaScript is an amazing language. I love its flexibility: just do things the way you like: change variable types, dynamically add methods or properties to objects, use operators for different variable types, etc. However, dynamism comes at a price,…