Category JavaScript

JavaScript tutorial. JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. All modern HTML pages use JavaScript, which is very easy to learn. This tutorial will teach you to learn from basic to advanced JavaScript knowledge. JavaScript online examples This tutorial contains a large number of JavaScript examples.

Encapsulate Ajax functions

1. The effect to be achieved 2. Define options parameter options The itheima() function is our custom Ajax function. It receives a configuration object as a parameter. The following attributes can be configured in the configuration object. method request type…

Encapsulate your own Ajax function

1. The effect to be achieved 2. Define options parameter options The myAjax() function is our custom Ajax function, it receives a configuration object as a parameter, and the following properties can be configured in the configuration object. method request…

Learning perception of webpack

As a popular front-end framework, webpack can package js, css, html, less, jade and other files, and is widely used. Even some popular front-end frameworks are using webpack packaging tools, such as vue, react and so on. In the spirit…

In-depth understanding of Document

In the front-end development, some operations must be performed on the DOM more or less, such as some of our commonly used methods: document.getElementById(“”); document.querySelectorAll(“”); document.getElementsByClassName(); document.createElement(). ….. Wait for a series of methods, where do these methods come from?…

In-depth comparison of TypeScript VS JavaScript

TypeScript and JavaScript are currently two popular scripting languages in project development. We are already familiar with TypeScript as a superset of JavaScript, but what is the difference between TypeScript and JavaScript? When choosing a development language, how should one…

Monitoring page shows hidden API

Many times we have such a requirement to do some operations or prohibit some operations when the page is not displayed. The Page Visibility API provides convenience for us to achieve this requirement. The API relies on the document object,…