Category JavaScript

JavaScript tutorial. JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. All modern HTML pages use JavaScript, which is very easy to learn. This tutorial will teach you to learn from basic to advanced JavaScript knowledge. JavaScript online examples This tutorial contains a large number of JavaScript examples.

Javascript code comment specification

1. Grammar 1.1 Explanation of notes Write in the first line of the comment block. 1.2 Tags @tagName 1.3 Description of the label 1.4 Type 1.5 Optional parameters 1.6 Parameters have default values 1.7 Link 2. Example 2.1 Function 2.2…

Understanding JavaScript Closures

Closures are considered the basic front-end interview questions, but I read a lot of articles about closures blog, but I feel that many of the ideals of closures are still divergent, and now the online understanding of closures is generally…

JavaScript let and var keywords

ES6 adds the let keyword, which differs from the var keyword as follows. variables declared by let are valid only within their code block. variables declared by var are valid globally. variables declared by var can be used before they…