Category JavaScript

JavaScript tutorial. JavaScript is the programming language of the Web. All modern HTML pages use JavaScript, which is very easy to learn. This tutorial will teach you to learn from basic to advanced JavaScript knowledge. JavaScript online examples This tutorial contains a large number of JavaScript examples.

Vue 3.0 ref differs from reactive

the use of ref ref the role is to convert a primitive data type into a data type with a reactive attribute (reactivity), there are 7 primitive data types, which are: String Number Boolean Null Undefined Symbol : It is…

SetTimeout problem in the for loop

he output may cause you to question two points:1) the delay time is also 0, so why execute the following for loop first?2) why does the for loop at loop 1 output 3 and the for loop at loop 2…

Vue.js of Vue.nextTick and vm.$forceUpdate()

Official explanation: Force vue instances to re-render. Note that it affects only the instance itself and the subcomponents that insert the contents of the slot, not all subcomponents.equivalent to manually triggering render() this.$forceUpdate();perform forced rendering. for example, there are too…

In Vue, $forceUpdate use of ().

It is pointed out in the official documentation of Vue that it has the effect of forcing refresh. That in the vue framework, if there is a variable: age, modify it, the page will be updated automatically.However, if the variable…