

Javascript code comment specification

1. Grammar 1.1 Explanation of notes Write in the first line of the comment block. 1.2 Tags @tagName 1.3 Description of the label 1.4 Type 1.5 Optional parameters 1.6 Parameters have default values 1.7 Link 2. Example 2.1 Function 2.2…

Understanding JavaScript Closures

Closures are considered the basic front-end interview questions, but I read a lot of articles about closures blog, but I feel that many of the ideals of closures are still divergent, and now the online understanding of closures is generally…

TypeScript functions

TypeScript function is based on es6 function features added some back-end concepts: generalization, parameter type declaration, return value type declaration, overloading, decorators, etc.. Some other features: arrow functions, generators, async-await, promise, etc. are all added features of es6. Function Type…

Modifiers for typescript classes

Those who have learned java should understand it very well, but write it anyway! typescript gives us three modifiers when defining properties inside. public : public Accessed inside the current class, subclasses and outside the class protected : protected type…

typescript’s functions

1. Default Parameters Passing in a value will override the default parameter, and it is fine to pass no value. 2. Optional parameters Optional values may or may not be passed, but the optional parameters must be placed at the…