

Django Middleware Explained

What is Django middleware Middleware is a framework-level hook for handling requests (Requests) and responses (Responses) in Django, a lightweight, low-level plugin system for changing Django’s input and output globally. When a user performs an action in a website, the…

Introduction to Django templates

Preface There are a lot of templating systems on the market today, and the best known and used are DTL and Jinja2. DTL is an abbreviation of the three words Django Template Language, which is the template language that comes…

Data Structures in C#

Array Continuous memory space Quickly locate lookup elements with random access and high lookup efficiency Known uniform element types, reducing runtime overhead Fixed length, no new elements can be added ArrayList Continuous memory space Fast element location, random access, efficient…

LiveData+DataBinding bi-directional binding

The demo to do is to enter a page, using the viewModel in the LiveData data, the input box to modify, through two-way binding, LiveData data also changed, in the time of submission, directly submit the LiveData data can be.…

Using JetPack No Navigation

Navigation directly translates to navigation, and is one of the Android Jetpack components that makes single-activity applications the preferred architecture. The jumping of Fragment pages within the app is handled by Navigation, eliminating the need for developers to deal with…