

Encapsulate your own Ajax function

1. The effect to be achieved 2. Define options parameter options The myAjax() function is our custom Ajax function, it receives a configuration object as a parameter, and the following properties can be configured in the configuration object. method request…

Kotlin vs Flutter, how should I choose?

In terms of mobile application development, Kotlin and Flutter are currently two hotter technologies. Among them, Kotlin was developed by Jetbrains and later strongly supported by Google, while Flutter was independently developed by Google itself. Judging from the current official…

Retrofit is simple to use

Retrofit is a network request library based on OkHttp encapsulation, a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. Retrofit requires at least Java 8+ or Android API 21+. The github website of Retrofit is Retrofit basic settings Create request…

Kill Feign, Spring Cloud Square component release

Speaking of the Spring Cloud ecology, everyone must be familiar with Feign. As shown in the figure below, Feign can hide the request of the bottom layer (okhttp, httpclient) Rest and pretend to be a Controller similar to SpringMVC. You…

Django time zone issues

We all know the time zone, the standard time zone is UTC time zone, Django uses UTC time zone by default, so the time we store in the database is UTC time, but when we make a website only for…

Django reverse function

The reverse function is used to reverse the URL, and then we introduce several uses of the reverse function. 1.Before, we used the URL to access the view function. Sometimes we know this view function, but want to reverse its…

Django foreign key and table relationship

Foreign key delete operation If a model uses foreign keys. What kind of operation should be performed after the other party’s model is deleted? Can be specified by on_delete. The types that can be specified are as follows. CASCADE: Cascade…